What is CWD?
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of deer and elk. This disease belongs to a family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). The disease attacks the brains of infected deer and elk and causes animals to become emaciated (skinny), display abnormal behavior, lose bodily functions, and die. The disease has been found in either captive or wild deer in twelve western and midwestern states and two Canadian provinces.
Mule deer, white-tailed deer, and Rocky Mountain elk are the three species of the deer family known to be naturally susceptible to CWD. One case of CWD has been detected in a wild moose taken by a hunter in Colorado. Susceptibility of other species of deer to CWD is not known. No cases linking any disease in livestock or humans to CWD have been discovered. At this time it is thought that transmission to domestic animals or humans is unlikely
CWD is not known to be transmissible to humans or domestic livestock.CWD is a fatal disease of white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk.
CWD is not known to exist in Alabama or any other southeastern state.
CWD will not likely be found in the Southeast unless it is transported here.
It is illegal to import any deer or other cervid into Alabama.
The range expansion of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer has led to unprecedented attention and concern during the past few years. Unfortunately, many rumors and much misinformation about CWD have been spread to the public. This page provides up-to-date facts on what is known about CWD and what is being done in Alabama to help prevent the disease from reaching our state.
To download PDF for response plan for Chronic Wasting Disease. Chronic Wasting Disease Response